I am new to data recovery and R-Studio, please bare with me. I have a SD card from an action camera that does not work. When I connect the SD card to computer it says:
You need to format the disk in drive D: before you can use it
and when I click cancel it says:
I installed R-studio Demo to see if I can recover the files. I have created an image, during which I received many error messages:the volume does not contain a recognized file system.
Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted
Error messages continues from Sector 122893309 to 122894303. I then scanned the image, ticking all file systems and extra search more known file types, to which the scan comes back with an image of all the partitions being unprocessed.Sector 122893309 failed to read from after 2 attempts. A device which does not exist was specified (433)
I am not sure what I can do at this point to try and recover the data. If anyone can, please help