R-Drives Support for iMac G5 Apple Partition scheme in PC sucks..

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R-Drives Support for iMac G5 Apple Partition scheme in PC sucks..

Post by ruthan » Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:00 pm

i need to clone old retro G5 PowerMac HDD (160GB WD) to new SSD (120GB, but only 30GB is really used) in PC and put it back into G5 Mac as replacement .. because it has Linux partition on it and old MacOS tools (Disk Utility, SuperDuper, Carbon Copy) simply arent able to do it

So i tried R-Drive - last version, because it has at least some Apple GUID partition scheme support, but.. it only same. I can make image backup fine, but restore is not working well..

I discovered that:
1) New target disk is smaller (they is still lots of free space for all data), R-Drive, adjust paritions size, recover disk.. but in process is Apple Partition Scheme changed to Standard PC MBR scheme, so its no more bootable.
2) When i tri to manually create smaller partition on Mac and copy it with Carbon Copy - which is working and later on PC add Linux partition with R-Drive, i really cant.. because its not able to select as recovery unallocated free space on disk.. when trying to clone on some partition from whole disk image.. so its required already created parition as target.. when i tried to create on Mac such partition, but even that is not working im getter error: Target partition size/volume is too big!
, it means that target partition has to have exactly same size as original, otherwise is not possible to recover and R-Drive cant to it by itself.
Bigger volume should be problem.. i guess that problem is that R-Drive is not really able to manipulate edit Apple GUID partition scheme, so making recovery on other disk almost impossible..

I general clone old Mac HDD with Linux partition included looks like problem regardless of tools for PowerPC, i even have problem to find something like Clonezilla live cd for PowerPC mac.

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Re: R-Drives Support for iMac G5 Apple Partition scheme in PC sucks..

Post by Alt » Mon Jul 26, 2021 12:52 pm

The Support for Various Disk Partition Schemes and File Systems help page.
"Changes in disk partition layout are supported for basic (regular) and dynamic MBR/GPT disks. R-Drive Image can change partition layout (the number of partitions and their sizes) while restore the data.

The other partition layouts may be backed up and then restored only on their original places or other partitions of the same size."

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Re: R-Drives Support for iMac G5 Apple Partition scheme in PC sucks..

Post by ruthan » Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:30 pm

Its shame, that this feature is not implemented, but still R-Drive Wizard enable it and not show any warning and this is wrong - bug.

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