Function request: Restore image to free space

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Function request: Restore image to free space

Post by win » Sat May 23, 2020 9:20 pm

Sometimes, I need to restore the system image to free space, or when I buy a new hard disk, the partition is free space

I suggest using 101 as a baseline,
101 Restore image to first free space
102 Restore image to second free space
103 Restore image to third free space

For example:

★Restore the image to the first free space partition of the second hard disk
r-driveimagecl.exe /a /o restore -s="1:1" -d="2:101" -a="D:\os.rdr"

★Restore the image to the third free space partition of the first hard disk
r-driveimagecl.exe /a /o restore -s="1:1" -d="1:103" -a="D:\os.rdr"

Thanks in advance

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Re: Function request: Restore image to free space

Post by Alt » Mon May 25, 2020 2:57 pm

You can restore data to free space. If 1:1 is a free space, the -d=1:1 command will restore data to the free space.

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Re: Function request: Restore image to free space

Post by win » Mon May 25, 2020 11:16 pm

There is some confusion in the distribution【The order of the two partitions affects each other】. If the distribution is like the following, it will be more clear

★if Restore the image to the second free space partition of the first hard disk, cmd like this,
If the parameter /x is added, the partition will be expanded automatically, which will be very convenient

r-driveimagecl.exe /a /o restore -s="1:1" -d="1:102" -a="D:\os.rdr" /x


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Re: Function request: Restore image to free space

Post by Alt » Tue May 26, 2020 11:25 am

Actually, the numbers aren't correct. 3 goes to the first free space, 4 to Logical Disk F:, 5 to the second free space, and 6 to Logical Disk C:

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Re: Function request: Restore image to free space

Post by win » Tue May 26, 2020 2:23 pm

numbers aren't correct, F: is APFS partitions It contains five partitions
Please look at the following list. In this case, it's troublesome to determine the location of the first free space. It's unclear

r-driveimagecl.exe list
Local computer:
Disk: ST3160318AS, id=1, idx=1:
A P ltr id idx LABEL FS Size(Mb)
E: 1 1 EFI FAT32 1027
C: 2 2 WIN10 NTFS 61440
- 3 3 MAC - DATA APFS 15126
- 4 4 Preboot APFS 151
- 5 5 Recovery APFS 947
- 6 6 VM APFS 1
- 7 7 MAC APFS 20637
- 8 8 *free* 15604
D: 9 9 DATA NTFS 37689
- 10 10 *free* 1

I suggest changing to the following display

r-driveimagecl.exe list
Local computer:
Disk: ST3160318AS, id=1, idx=1:
A P ltr id idx LABEL FS Size(Mb)
E: 1 1 EFI FAT32 1027
C: 2 2 WIN10 NTFS 61440
- 3 3 MAC - DATA APFS 15126
- Preboot APFS 151
- Recovery APFS 947
- MAC APFS 20637
- 4 4 *free* 15604
D: 5 5 DATA NTFS 37689
- 6 6 *free* 1

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Re: Function request: Restore image to free space

Post by Alt » Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:04 pm

This feature is added to this new build: R-Drive Image 6.3.6304

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Re: Function request: Restore image to free space

Post by win » Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:42 am

Alt wrote:
Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:04 pm
This feature is added to this new build: R-Drive Image 6.3.6304
In the command-line version:
* Partitions and free spaces can be specified separately.

Using the following command line, it can't run successfully. Can you help me? Thank you very much.

★Restore the image to the first free space partition of the second hard disk
r-driveimagecl.exe /a /o restore -s="1:1" -d="2:101" -a="D:\os.rdr"

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