A new build of R-Wipe & Clean is available for download.
New features
+ A new item Session Event Log has been added to the WWEP Traces tab in the Installer Traces part of the user's section.
The Program Traces section
The following items have been added:
+ a new application Symphony;
+ a new item Microsoft App Center Log to the Dolby Access tab;
+ a new item Temporary Files to the Wondershare PDFelement tab;
+ 2 new items to the CyberLink PowerPlayer tab: Logs and Rollback Journals.
* Deletion has been improved for the Cached Files tab in the Opera section (Opera ver.92).
The Program Traces section
Display and deletion have been improved for:
* the Logs item on the Wondershare PDFelement tab;
* the Logs item on the Slack tab;
* the Cache Files item on the Canva tab.