R-Wipe&Clean 20.0.2448

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R-tt Team
R-tt Team Member
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Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:10 pm

R-Wipe&Clean 20.0.2448

Post by R-tt Team » Thu Mar 14, 2024 3:09 pm

A new build of R-Wipe&Clean is available for download.
New features
+ A new item Stored Cookie Controls Metadata has been added to the Microsoft Edge section.
+ A new item Stored Popups Data has been added to the Opera section.
+ A new item Databases Old Logs has been added to the Google Chrome section.
The Program Traces section
The following items have been added:
+ 3 new applications: Camo Studio, Apple Music, and Plexamp;
+ new items Stored Cookie Controls Metadata to the OneDrive, Microsoft Whiteboard, and CorelDRAW tabs;
+ new items Cookies to the Corel Painter and WinZip tabs;
+ a new item Session Event Log to the Drawboard PDF tab;
+ a new item Stored Bounce Tracking Data to the Foxit PDF Editor tab;
+ a new item Stored Form Filling Metadata to the CyberLink Application Manager tab;
+ a new item Cached Avatars to the Spark Desktop tab;
+ a new item Site Engagement Statistics to the MAGIX Movie Studio tab;
+ a new item Stored Bounce Tracking Data to the BitComet tab.

The Program Traces section
Display and deletion have been improved for:
* the Cache Files items on the WinZip, Any Video Converter, CyberLink PhotoDirector, and Get Help tabs;
* 2 items on the DivX Player tab: Cache Files and Rollback Journals;
* 3 items on the MAGIX Photostory tab: Cache Files, Cookies, and Rollback Journals;
* all items on the Plex Media Player tab.

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