Restoring R-Studio Image

A forum on data recovery using the professional data recovery software R-STUDIO.
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Restoring R-Studio Image

Post by Maudrid » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:26 am

I have a an image made long ago with an older version of R-Studio.
I've read in the FAQ( that is it possible to restore the image.
I can't use the Drive Image programs since the image is in the .dsk format.
So I need to use the built-in hex editor.
I've opened the image in the hex editor, but I can't find a way to restore the image from there.
Any tips?

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Re: Restoring R-Studio Image

Post by Alt » Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:38 am

You may use the object copy module. Open the image and copy it to the disk. See the Object Copy section on the R-Studio online help.

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Re: Restoring R-Studio Image

Post by Maudrid » Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:35 pm

Thanks for the help.
I could copy the image to a new partition, so that worked.
Though I could not get the original program to read the partition, seems the data is unrecoverable.
Thanks anyway.

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Re: Restoring R-Studio Image

Post by Alt » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:20 pm

I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that the data is unrecoverable so quickly. Let's check the situation together.
What couldn't read the partition, R-Studio or the operating system? Had the partition been normal before you made the image? How did you copy the partition back to the disk? As a binary object, or using smart disk/partition copying? Did you try to scan the new partition?

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