Scheduled backup does not work

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Scheduled backup does not work

Post by traycer » Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:18 pm

I'm trying to schedule an automated backup for the first time, to see how it works. I am using an existing full backup of my Vista boot drive as a test, which is named "q6600-20081127.arc". I have successfully created new differential backups (obviously named "q6600-200811272.arc" and "q6600-200811273.arc").

For the test, I want to create an incremental (not differential) backup to the existing q6600-20081127.arc set. The task was created and the event set for 1:00 pm earlier today. At 1:00 pm, I did notice a flurry of disk activity on the correct drives. However, my system suddenly became extremely sluggish. I eventually discovered that something was consuming all the RAM in my system (99% memory usage on an 8GB machine). The boot drive was at 100% disk busy time. There were no processes listed as being a memory hog, so this must have been a service causing the problem.

I fired up Drive Image (which took a couple of minutes just for that!), but it did not seem to show any scheduled job status or progress. Finally, Vista's Reliability and Performance Monitor claimed that the system was reading from the q6600-20081127.arc file and then writing it to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\Report0240bb7b\q6600-20081127.arc . What would cause that? WER should not be getting involved at all. I'll have to wait for the system to finish doing whatever it is doing before I can investigate further.

Has anyone else successfully run a scheduled backup like this, or seen this problem? I'm running Drive Image 4.4 on 64-bit Vista SP1.

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Re: Scheduled backup does not work

Post by traycer » Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:10 pm

I updated Drive Image to build 4402. I no longer get the WER stuff happening, but now when the scheduled task runs (whether at the appointed time or I manually invoke it), I see the r-driveimagecl.exe process appear for about 5 or 6 seconds, then it disappears again. According to the Windows event log, VSS is invoked so RDI is at least getting that far. But there is no actual backup created. I don't see any telltale disk activity, nor do I see a new incremental backup image.

I poked around in the Event Viewer, but did not see any RDI-related logs. Does it keep any?

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Re: Scheduled backup does not work

Post by traycer » Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:41 pm

Fiddling a bit more here... it looks like I need to set the job to run as the local Administrator account. The RDI default of using "NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM" does not seem to work. Maybe that's an XP thing? Anyway, it would be great if RDI had better error/activity reporting available, to make troubleshooting much easier. Your average Windows user would have given up long ago.

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Re: Scheduled backup does not work

Post by Alt » Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:45 pm

Please, upgrade to the latest R-Drive Image build (4402). This bug is fixed in it.

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Re: Scheduled backup does not work

Post by traycer » Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:56 pm

As I mentioned in one of my above posts, I am using build 4402 now. That seems to have fixed the problem with WER trying to report the job as a problem, but I still have to switch over to use local Administrator rather than the default "System" account that RDI suggests. It's not a big deal, now that I've figured it out, but it might be better for your other users if the default settings would automatically work without fiddling.

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Re: Scheduled backup does not work

Post by Alt » Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:24 am

I have informed our developers about this bug.

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Re: Scheduled backup does not work

Post by Alt » Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:00 am

Well, please, open Control Panel -> Scheduled Tasks, find a task named somehow as "R-Drive Image Task # 1". Open its properties and see in Run something like '"C:\Program Files\R-Drive Image\r-driveimagecl.exe" append /a /o -s="1:2" -a="D:\archive.arc" -c=1 -u -bs '. Please go to the specified path and run r-driveimagecl.exe (without any parameters) from that place and see if it writes R-Drive Image v4.4 build 4402. If yes, please contact our technical support referencing this topic. If something else, you probably managed to install the new build without deleting the old one. Please remove the both and re-install the new one.

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