bug: recovered folder timestamps are not persistent

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bug: recovered folder timestamps are not persistent

Post by clabr » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:14 am

After a big loss of almost my entire data (2TB over 4 disks), because of using a uninstall monitoring software that was not properly compatible with Win8 (which started deleting almost all files from all my volumes), I've been trying to recover files from my NTFS volumes using the latest R-Studio version (which by the way proved to be the best - detected all deleted files - from all other recovery tools I've tested)

But then I observed that recovered folder timestamps are not persistent.
While saving recovered files on a NTFS partition only files retain their original timestamps (modified, created, last accessed) and folders that don't have nor files nor folders in them.
While saving on FAT32, things are ok, modified and created timestamps (last accessed is not used) are persistent.

I am trying to recover many encrypted files, and other NTFS metadata, so using FAT32 to recover and then copy back to NTFS is not an option for me.

Could you release a new version that fixes this as soon as possible? because I am practically stuck and cannot start recovering my lost files because of this.

Thank You.

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Re: bug: recovered folder timestamps are not persistent

Post by Alt » Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:01 am

Well, we're aware of this bug and fixing it.

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Re: bug: recovered folder timestamps are not persistent

Post by clabr » Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:12 am

Thank you, and glad to hear that.
Can you tell me how much until the new release?
So I'd know what to do, if it's not much to wait, or ...

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Re: bug: recovered folder timestamps are not persistent

Post by Alt » Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:27 am

Soon, but the final date isn't specified yet.

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Joined: Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:05 pm

Re: bug: recovered folder timestamps are not persistent

Post by clabr » Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:40 am

Will this problem be addressed in the new version?

And could you tell me when you estimate it will come out
one week, two weeks, one month?

Thank you.

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