R-Studio 7.7.159149

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R-tt Team
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R-Studio 7.7.159149

Post by R-tt Team » Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:30 am

A new version of R-Studio is available for download.
New features:
+ A new advanced algorithm for raw file recovery (search for file signatures).
+ The Hex editor extension: A file location is shown in a particular disk sector.
+ Support for Directory Junctions and Symbolic Links.

* Now R-Studio shows extra files found by their file signature both in the Raw Files folder and in recognized partitions.

- When recovering Directory Junctions, R-Studio might save files to the Directory Junctions symbolic paths rather than to the recovery path. Fixed.
- The Save File Names command didn’t work from the extension and time stamps tabs. Fixed.
- R-Studio asked to save scaninfo before initial scanning an opened image or loading scan info. Fixed.
- R-Studio attached recognized partitions from an opened dsk disk image to those on the original hard drive. Fixed.
- R-Studio cut text strings in the progress window. Fixed.
- Anytime the Settings were changed R-Studio asked to re-write its log. Fixed.
- The Maximum messages in the Event Log option on the Settings/Log tab didn’t work. Fixed.
- The Apply changes immediately option could be enabled only after the second click after changing parameters on the RAID Parents tab.

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