R-Wipe&Clean 11.8 (Build 2178)

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R-tt Team
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R-Wipe&Clean 11.8 (Build 2178)

Post by R-tt Team » Fri May 26, 2017 11:17 am

A new version of R-Wipe & Clean is available for download.
New features:
+ 4 new items are added to the User's section: Recent Applications, Crash Dumps, CDP Activity Log, and CDP Notifications History.
+ A new item is added to the Built-in Accounts section: Local Service's Common Language Runtime Logs.
+ 2 new items are added to the iTunes tab in the Application Traces section: Cache Files and Cookies
+ 4 new items are added to the Sports tab in the Application Traces section: Cached Certification Files, Cached Images, Cookies, Token Broker Cache.
+ File name masks can be added to the Exclude file name(s) list on the Add Folder dialog box of wipe lists.

* The R-Wipe & Clean process started from a command line returns an error code if the specified wipe and clean task does not exist.
* Deletion is improved for the Problem Reports tab in the System section.
* Task service is improved to remove a security breach when task information is written to Registry.
* Adobe Photoshop detection is improved in the Application Traces section.
* Display and deletion is improved on the Stored Program Identifiers in the User's section (Identifiers of applications introduced in Windows 10 Creators Update might appear and deleted).
* Display and deletion is improved on the Stored COM Class Identifiers tab in the System section (Identifiers of system components in Windows 10 Creators Update might appear and be deleted).
* Display and deletion is improved on the Stored File Types tab in the System section (Identifiers of system components in Windows 10 Creators Update might appear and be deleted).
* Display and deletion is improved on the Stored Locations of Type Libraries tab in the System section (Identifiers of system components in Windows 10 Creators Update might appear and be deleted).
* Display and deletion is improved on the Stored MIME Types tab in the System section (Identifiers of system components in Windows 10 Creators Update might appear and be deleted).
* Deletion of Temporary Internet Files is improved in the Internet (Internet Explorer) section.
* Cookies deletion is improved in the Internet (Google Chrome) section.
* Temporary Internet Files and Cookies deletion is improved in the Internet (Opera) section.
* The Internet (Skype) section is adopted for the Skype UWP-application (UWP stands for Universal Windows Platform).
* Display and deletion is improved for Internal Databases in the Internet (Microsoft Edge) section. (Sometimes Favorites might be deleted.)
* Display and deletion is improved for the Cache Files item on the Sports tab in the Application Traces section.

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