R-Wipe&Clean 20.0.2491

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R-tt Team
R-tt Team Member
Posts: 1168
Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:10 pm

R-Wipe&Clean 20.0.2491

Post by R-tt Team » Wed Jan 15, 2025 11:27 am

A new build of R-Wipe&Clean is available for download.
New features
+ A new item Stored Web App Images has been added to the Google Chrome section.
+ A new item Temporary Files has been added to the WWEP Traces tab in the Installer Traces part of the user's section.
The Program Traces section
The following items have been added
+ 2 new applications: Cubase and Maya;
+ a new item Cached Thumbnails to the CyberLink PowerDirector tab;
+ a new item Stored Telemetry Rules to the Microsoft Access tab;
+ a new item CRX Package Cache to the Google Drive tab;
+ a new item Stored Bounce Tracking Data to the Apple TV tab;
+ a new item Search Index Files to the Adobe Acrobat tab;
+ a new item Metrics Files to the CyberLink Application Manager tab;
+ a new item Databases Old Logs to the Weather tab.

The Program Traces section
* Detection in the system has been improved for the MobiOffice (earlier OfficeSuite).
Display and deletion have been improved for
* the Cache Files item on the Symphony tab;
* the Template Cache item on the Microsoft Visio tab;
* the Rollback Journals item on the MAGIX Music Maker tab;
* the Logs item on the Laravel Herd tab.

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