R-Undelete 6.2.169731

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R-tt Team
R-tt Team Member
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R-Undelete 6.2.169731

Post by R-tt Team » Sun Sep 17, 2017 5:14 am

A new build of R-Undelete is available for download.
New features:
+ File scan info is automatically saved then loaded. Files
are saved into %AppData%/R-TT/RUndelete/scaninfo and stored for 30

* Update checking, loading, and installing
* General stability of the program
* Program compatibility with Windows XP

- Possible program crashing when displaying files fixed.
- When scanning of an unrecognized / unallocated space was interrupted and a partition had been found, only the found partition was shown. Fixed.
- Several cosmetic bugs fixed.

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