A new build of R-Studio is available for download.
* LVM processing has been improved.
* Empty sequences were generated in the Sequences window when the Custom RAID type was selected. Those sequences could not be deleted. Fixed.
* The last valid RAID block order table was saved rather than the current invalid table. Fixed.
* The Get Info window showed wrong file info when sorting had been changed. Fixed.
* Clicking an empty space on the Get Info window opened Hexadecimal editor. Fixed.
* Files remained marked when files were recovered with the Do not recover duplicate files from Extra Found Files option enabled. Fixed.
* Not all information on Overlapping files and Regions when saving file names. Fixed.
* The Find/Mark dialog box didn't preserve selections for the Look At Files/Folders option. Fixed.
* A file and folder may have the same ID on the time/extension sorting tabs. Clicking such object may have resulted in jumping to another object with the same ID. For example, to a file with an ID randomly coinciding with the ID of a folder. Fixed.
* Saving file names for marked files didn't save names for files with links in their paths. Only link name was saved without files in the related folder. Fixed.
* Some small interface and cosmetic bugs have been fixed.