R-Wipe&Clean 20.0.2315

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R-tt Team
R-tt Team Member
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Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:10 pm

R-Wipe&Clean 20.0.2315

Post by R-tt Team » Tue Apr 27, 2021 12:13 pm

A new build of R-Wipe & Clean is available for download.
New features:
The following items have been added:
+ New items WebRTC Logs and Website Loading Statistics to the Microsoft Edge section;
+ new items Stored Microphone Usage Info and Stored Webcam Usage Info to the Storing Traces part of the User's section (Windows 10);
+ a new item Event Logging Diagnostic Logs to the Logs part of the System's Own Traces section;
+ a new item Stored Approved Startup Applications to the Registry Traces tab in the Aggregate Traces part of the System's Own Traces section.
The following items have been added to the Program Traces section :
+ A new program Ashampoo Movie Studio;
+ a new item Diagnostic Logs to the OneNote tab;
+ a new item Rollback Journals to the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC tab;
+ a new item Metrics Files to the CorelDRAW Reader DC tab;

* Detection in the system has been improved for the Firefox browser (version 87.0+).
* Display and deletion have been improved for the Stored Usage Statistics tab on the Opera section.
The Program Traces section:
* Detection in the system has been improved for the Corel VideoStudio tab.
* Display has been improved for the Temporary Files item on the Windows Communication Applications tab.
* Display and deletion have been improved for the Recent Dubs item on the Media Player Classic tab, the Stored Timestamps item on the Thunderbird tab, and the Cache Files on the CorelDRAW tab.

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