Creating image file on multiple computers

Discussions on using the professional data recovery program R-STUDIO for RAID re-construction, NAS recovery, and recovery of various disk and volume managers: Windows storage spaces, Apple volumes, and Linux Logical Volume Manager.
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Creating image file on multiple computers

Post by czyzczyz » Tue Sep 28, 2021 12:11 pm

Long story but I think I accidentally deleted the logical volume on my 8-drive G-Speed Shuttle XL, I believe it was configured RAID-5. It was never reformatted afterward nor was data written to it so I hope there's a chance I can recover my data by making images of all the drives and letting R-Studio detect the logical volume.

I've purchased R-Studio for Mac and am creating an image of drive 1 of the 8. It's an 8Tb 7200rpm drive in a dock connected via eSATA, and is taking 18+ hours to image. At 150MB/s that seems to be within reason. I'd be happy to hook up additional drives to my computer and image them simultaneously so I don't have to wait 8 days to try and rebuild my RAID, as I figure the limiting factor here is drive speed rather than CPU, but R-Studio's create image function is modal and locks out the rest of the UI while it works. So a feature request for R-Studio might be for it to split image creation off into its own thread and keep the rest of the application accessible and make it possible to create multiple images at once (if that is technically possible).

But barring that, in order to speed up this process I'd like to create images of multiple drives from the RAID simultaneously in ways that are possible. I have questions as to how:
  • Hook up additional docks to my computer and run additional instances of R-Studio by opening them from the command line with the "open -n" argument? (Would R-Studio play well in such a situation or would the multiple instances of the app compete to overwrite preferences and temp files or access devices?)
  • Create images using other computers I have in my office? As far as I know my R-Studio license is for 1 computer only, but maybe the demo version of the application can create functional images on other computers, if that's a feature that's fully-functional in the demo? I found it a little difficult to figure out if that's the case from available documentation but it may be out there.
  • Create R-Studio-compatible disk images using some other tool on my machine or on other machines?
Thanks for any help or information.

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Re: Creating image file on multiple computers

Post by Alt » Thu Sep 30, 2021 7:43 am

czyzczyz wrote:
Tue Sep 28, 2021 12:11 pm
Create images using other computers I have in my office? As far as I know my R-Studio license is for 1 computer only, but maybe the demo version of the application can create functional images on other computers, if that's a feature that's fully-functional in the demo?
This is the best option. The demo version of R-Studio can create fully-functional images.

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