R-Wipe&Clean 20.0.2334

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R-tt Team
R-tt Team Member
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R-Wipe&Clean 20.0.2334

Post by R-tt Team » Sun Oct 03, 2021 4:42 pm

A new build of R-Wipe & Clean is available for download.
New features:
+ A new item Website Databases has been added to the Google Chrome section.
+ Two new items have been added to the Microsoft Edge section: Stored Profiles in Forms and Allowed Web Launch Apps Data.
+ Two new items have been added to the Opera section: Website Databases and Stored Client Hints.
+ A new item Stored Notification Settings has been added to the Storing Traces part of the User's section (Windows 10).
The Program Traces section:
+ Two new programs have been added: Rambox and Audiate.
+ Two new items have been added to the Adobe Photoshop Express tab: Cache Files and Temporary Files.
+ A new item Rollback Journals has been added to the Spotify tab.
+ A new item Cached DOM Files has been added to the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom tab (from Microsoft store).

Display and deletion have been improved for:
* the Temporary Files tab in the Vivaldi section;
* the Stored Translation Parameters tab in the Google Chrome section.
* the Other WMI Log Files item on the WMI Logs tab in the Logs part of the System's Own Traces section.
The Program Traces section:
* Display and deletion have been improved for the Cache Files item on the Spotify tab.
Application detection in the system has been improved for:
* the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom tab (from Microsoft store);
* the Cortana tab on Windows Server 2022.

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