R-Drive Image 7.0.7002

Disk backup and restore, partition imaging and cloning, and drive copy using R-Drive Image.
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R-tt Team
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R-Drive Image 7.0.7002

Post by R-tt Team » Thu Feb 03, 2022 4:46 pm

A new build of R-Drive Image is available for download.
* Display of free space for an image has been improved.
* Command names in the Create task menu have been made clearer.

- No files appeared selected when a newly created task to create images from individual files was opened to edit. Fixed.
- R-Drive Image may have frozen when a partition, which was set to copy to empty space, was resized. Fixed.
- If two partitions were created and a disk letter was selected for the second partition, it was possible to selected the same disk letter for the first partition. Fixed.
- The last slash was missing in the suggested path on the Not enough free space message, which may have resulted in an invalid path. Fixed.
- It was impossible to move an object selected to copy/restore to the place of a deleted partition. Fixed.
- There was a residual outlining on a double-clicked source object. Fixed.
- R-Drive Image may have frozen when Wipe HDD or Clear HDD commands were executed in the Partition Manager or the Restore Image action. Fixed.
- It was impossible to perform operations on individual partitions during setting a Copy whole HDD action. Fixed.