R-Studio 9.0.190295

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R-tt Team
R-tt Team Member
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R-Studio 9.0.190295

Post by R-tt Team » Mon Feb 14, 2022 1:34 pm

A new build of R-Studio is available
* R-Studio shows now S.M.A.R.T. attributes for NVME SSD devices.
* Detection of S.M.A.R.T. attributes have been improved for new hard drive modes.
* Processing of the .Trash folder has been improved for macOS file systems.
* Processing of encrypted APFS partitions has been improved.
* Detection of Disk identity parameters (Vendor name, Product name, Firmware version, Serial number) has been improved.
* Additional checks have been made for runtime imaging destinations and sector map files.

- Symlinked folders remained marked when their target were unmarked. Fixed.
- Files from symlinked folders may have recovered to incorrect places. Fixed.
- The Advanced Scan dialog box may have shown the Scan area parameter incorrectly after second clicks on the Advanced button. Fixed.
- Strings on Properties panel were selected incorrectly. Fixed.
- The Find/Mark dialog box could not show all opened partitions correctly when they were many. Fixed.
- R-Studio showed files in renamed folders as deleted, although they were not. Fixed.
- Mask presets with time periods 7, 14 days or 1, 3, 6 months, etc. created in version 9 were unnecessary converted to Customs. Fixed.
- R-Studio ver.9 may have crashed when opening older rdi images. Fixed.

Technician version:
- Objects could not be opened in the Hexadecimal editor from DDI drive map files. Fixed.
- R-Studio didn't always show S.M.A.R.T. attributes from USB Stabilizer. Fixed.
- Incorrect objects could be selected for a Destination drive for runtime imaging as Sector by sector clone on a physical drive.

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