A new build of R-Wipe & Clean is available for download.
New features:
The following items have been added:
+ Data Integrity Recovery Events Log and Date and Time Control Panel Events Log items to the Logs part of the System's Own Traces section;
Program Traces section:
+ 2 new applications: Ashampoo Photo Optimizer and WireGuard;
+ 2 new items to the Spotify tab: Logs and Metrics Files;
+ 2 new items to the WPS Presentation, WPS Spreadsheets, and WPS Writer tabs: Cookies and Rollback Journals;
+ 2 new items to the RealPlayer tab: Cache Files and Rollback Journals;
+ 2 new items to the Box Drive tab: Cookies and Rollback Journals;
+ a new item Cache Files to the DivX Player tab.
* Display and deletion have been improved for the Quota Manager Data tab in the Opera section.
The Program Traces section:
* Detection in the system has been improved for the WPS PDF and Rambox applications.
Display and deletion have been improved for
* the Cookies item on the RealPlayer tab;
* the Cache Files item on the Box Drive tab;
* 2 items on the iCloud tab: Cache Files and Rollback Journals;
* the Cache Files item on the Franz tab;
* the Update Logs item on the Thunderbird tab;
* the Cache Files item on the WPS Presentation, WPS Spreadsheets, and WPS Writer tabs;
* 3 items on the WPS Office tab: Cache Files, Cookies, and Rollback Journals;
* all items on the Rambox tab.