R-Studio 9.2.191140

A forum on data recovery using the professional data recovery software R-STUDIO.
R-tt Team
R-tt Team Member
Posts: 1150
Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:10 pm

R-Studio 9.2.191140

Post by R-tt Team » Fri Mar 24, 2023 12:32 pm

A new build of R-Studio is available for download.
New features
+ All S.M.A.R.T. attributes can now be copied through one action (The Copy All button on the S.M.A.R.T. panel).
+ The Options tab is added to the Wiping progress indicator.

* Progress display for the I/O monitor window has been improved.
* Last used paths are now saved in several new fields.
* The Cross link info has been added to the Get Info panel.
* Saving and loading of Broken File Name and Hidden Attribute parameters have been improved.
* Any files from Extra Found Files will not be recovered if there are their duplicates in the file systems (Root) when the Do not recover duplicate files from Extra Found Files option is selected. Earlier this option took effect only for recovered files.

= The FileID files parameter was moved to the top control box on the Find/Mark dialog box.

- The Runtime image status and Bad sectors columns were sorted incorrectly. Fixed.
- Reaction to incorrect Empty Space Size values in the RAID reconstruction module was dubious. Fixed.
- Bad sectors and Runtime image parameters could not be included into file mask presets. Fixed.
- The program may have crashed when the same partition got reopened in the same tab. Fixed.
- Several states of Recovery Chances may have been found incorrectly for FAT file systems. Fixed.
- The program may have crashed during multipass imaging with reverse reading and enabled scan. Fixed.
- An incorrect message "There is nothing to process using the specified settings" may have appeared when the disk object had bad sectors. Fixed.
- Data read speed was enormously slow for multipass imaging of FS only with reverse reading. Fixed.
- The program may have crashed when an unmounted CDROM drive was selected. Fixed.
- Data form the drive's first sectors wasn't included into the image when creating an multipass image of FS only with reverse reading. Fixed.
- Files were not always recovered from the Find Results pane. Fixed.
- Exported file recovery lists in the HTML format appeared broken if there were file names with quotes invalidating the HTML format. Fixed.
- Many cosmetic buxfixes in R-Studio and R-Studio Agent.