Boot Media Issue

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Boot Media Issue

Post by MerleOne » Mon Mar 27, 2023 2:26 pm

I have a strange issue with RDI boot media.
Since today, my mini PC, an Ockel Sirius B (32 GB SSD) running Win10x32 bits won't open a session, the desktop opens but explorer.exe is not working (no icons on the taskbar and on the desk).

I need to restore the system. Fortunately I do have some image backup created by RDI a few years back but the issue is that the newest bootmedia created by RDI 7 won't boot. I tried with old version (some of them) of V6, Same issue, instead of booting from the flash key, it boots from Windows from the internal SSD and the issue is still there.

I am pretty sure I tested a bootmedia at time I performed the first image backup with RDI. I was able then to check the image from the boot environment, which is usually enough.

I have tested many other bootmedia from other products, only one will work but since my backup is in RDI format...
Is there a way to make or get a working bootmedia for this mini PC ?

Thanks for any hint,

Posts: 71
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:11 pm

Re: Boot Media Issue

Post by MerleOne » Tue Mar 28, 2023 8:42 am

Hi again,
I managed to create a boot media from version 6 running on XP (in case the underlying OS changes something) : same result, it won't boot on this Ockel Sirius B PC. The bootmedia is seen from the boot menu but, when selected, is unable to boot and then a regular Windows boot occurs, leading to a non usable PC.
I also tried the WinPE version of the bootmedia (created on another Win10 computer) : same result.
I am wondering, is the Linux bootmedia dependant on the PC where it is created. I can no longer create one from the faulty PC and usually medias created on one PC worked for another one.
Also, is the fact that this PC only has a 32GB SSD and I think 4GB RAM an issue for booting RDI recovery media ?

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Re: Boot Media Issue

Post by Alt » Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:53 pm

Did you disable secure boot in the system BIOS?

Posts: 71
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:11 pm

Re: Boot Media Issue

Post by MerleOne » Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:41 am

Yes, I did ! I even booted with other software publishers boot media so I guess the issue is elsewhere but thanks, it could have been caused by this.

Moreover a few bootmedia worked (3 for over 50 tried). Among them, a Win10x32bits reinstallation bootmedia. And 2 others that were either using Linux 32 bits or a proprietary OS (Symobi).

The issue is that I don't even get to RDI bootmedia selection menu, the menu where you can select 64 or 32 bits and screen resolution (AFAIR).
I also tried using a CDROM but there not a single CD bootmedia worked, even those who worked with an USB version.

I also tried to build a different USB flashkey bootmedia using Flashboot and Rufus and an iso image of RDI bootmedia : same issue, the usb flashkey is seen in the PC bootmenu but if I try to boot from it, it still reverts to Windows boot.

On the contrary, with the few that worked, the bootmedia is almost instantly loaded. With those that don't work, I get after a few seconds the PC brand logo (Ockel) then the windows 10 rotating hourglass and Windows loads (and fails since it is damaged...).

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