R-Drive Image, clone C: drive with five partitions

Disk backup and restore, partition imaging and cloning, and drive copy using R-Drive Image.
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R-Drive Image, clone C: drive with five partitions

Post by donmsmith1 » Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:33 pm

I just installed a new SSD in my old Dell XPS8900, and want to clone my C: drive's disk to it. I went through your example of How to Move an Installed Windows to a Larger Disk. My situation is a bit different - on the C: drive's disk there are two partitions to the right of the C: partition. When using R-Drive Image, will I be able to "move" both of those partitions to the right, thus freeing up the unused space in preparation for expanding the C: partition? Since only one of those two "extra" is needed (a recovery partition), would you advise to simply delete the other one that's to the right of that? Is "delete partition" available in R-Drive Image? I'm not even sure if that recovery partition is needed - can I create some kind of recovery or repair disk that would obviate the need for it? Please advise.
By the way, this particular Dell PC was one of the earliest to have an SSD for C:, and I discovered that it was impossible to create a "recovery drive". Dell subsequently provided a lot of backup and recovery functions, but unfortunately none of them apply to the XPS8900. They do apply to the XPS8910 and all later similar models!

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Re: R-Drive Image, clone C: drive with five partitions

Post by Alt » Tue Aug 15, 2023 3:40 pm

I don't recommend you to delete anithing. Just copy the old disk to the new one, and then move the necessary partitions and extend the main one.

You may create a recovery drive using R-Drive Image. Create a startup disk Startup Version and create an image of your disk (the entire disk!). If you use a large enough external disk, you may keep images together with the startup version of R-Drive Image.

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Re: R-Drive Image, clone C: drive with five partitions

Post by donmsmith1 » Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:05 pm

Alt, thanks for the quick reply.
So my plan is to copy everything from the old C: disk to the new SSD the E: disk. Probably remove the old C: then specify the new SSD to boot. I'd rather not remove the old one because it would require removing the graphics card which doesn't look easy. Is it really necessary to remove the old disk? If I don't, I guess that the new SSD will have C: and the old disk will be some other letter like E:, but I'm not sure, something might go wrong. Please advise.
After things are working, I can use your software to move the partitions to the right of C:, or delete them, then expand C:. Good plan?

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Re: R-Drive Image, clone C: drive with five partitions

Post by Alt » Wed Aug 16, 2023 9:31 am

If you mean hard drives, yes, you need to remove the old hard drive and substitute it with the new SSD. When you copy an old drive to a new one, those two drives will have the same drive signature. It'll be unclear which drive will be used to boot. You may read more about disk copy in our online help: Copy a Disk to a Disk. Pay attention to the "To copy data from an entire hard drive to another hard drive:" part.

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Re: R-Drive Image, clone C: drive with five partitions

Post by donmsmith1 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:54 pm

I get your point. To be safe, I need to follow the example in "How to Move an Installed Windows to a Larger Disk", then remove the old disk, so there will be no confusion. Later I could get an external drive and use it to format the old disk, after the operation of the new disk is confirmed.
Thanks again!

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