R-Drive Image 7.2.7201

Disk backup and restore, partition imaging and cloning, and drive copy using R-Drive Image.
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R-tt Team
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R-Drive Image 7.2.7201

Post by R-tt Team » Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:50 am

A new build of R-Drive Image is available for download.
* Image replication process is greatly accelerated: the image file is now sent to all destinations simultaneously rather then to the main image destination and then from the main destination to other destinations. This is especially important when the main destination is on a cloud service.
* Working with cloud services now doesn't immediately stops with errors when short Internet glitches occur or services generate errors. R-Drive Image tries to re-establish the lost connection or re-tries to send data to the service.
* Display of the data uploading process to cloud services has been improved. It now shows that the data is being uploaded to the cloud service, the service being used, and how much data has been uploaded.

- Operation progress remained on the application icon in the Task bar when the task was stopped. Fixed.
- The Execute On checkbox on the Options -> Notifications tab in a task lost its selection. Fixed.
- Several cosmetic bugs have been fixed.