R-Studio 9.4.191301//191303

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R-tt Team
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R-Studio 9.4.191301//191303

Post by R-tt Team » Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:35 pm

A new version of R-Studio is available for download.
New features
+ Multitasking. Several different tasks can be performed simultaneously. For example, you can create a multi-pass image using a third-party hardware, scan a disk image, and recover files from another image, all at the same time. The number of concurrently performed tasks depends only on the computer efficiency (CPU, RAM, HDD/SSD, etc). Each task runs in its own tab and can be controlled individually. Computer shutdown takes place when all tasks are completed. The list of running tasks is displayed on the Main panel in the lower left corner.
+ Hidden devices. Devices that are not subject to scanning for data recovery can be hidden from the Main panel (System disks, devices for storing recovered data, etc). Such hidden devices are still accessible for storing recovered files, logs, scan info, etc.

* Information about saving system info and for times of recovery list export has been added to the Log.
* Runtime imaging can be started from the Create image dialog box in the Technician/T80+ versions.
* DDI built-in runtime image statistics has been improved.

= In the R-Studio Standalone and Corporate versions, running tasks are now shown in a tab.
= A new layout for the Settings window.

- Bad sector rating for files on partitions inside APFS containers didn't work. Fixed.
- The program confused / and \ (acceptable for file paths on the EXT* file systems) in file path separators when importing recovery file lists. Only / is now used as a path separator in recovery file lists.
- The Wipe command didn't work for locked disks/partitions. Fixed.
- Several crash causes have been eliminated.
- A lot of cosmetic bugfixes.

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