create disk image without r-studio

A forum on data recovery using the professional data recovery software R-STUDIO.

create disk image without r-studio

Post by djmuk » Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:21 am

Is it possible to create a disk image that can be processed by r-studio outside of the software?

EG can I (say) use dd under linux to create a file and then scan that with r-studio..

The reason is:
A crashed laptop drive (Ntfs)
attach to windows machine via USB caddy
windows tries to automount the drive but will not recognise the drive as the f/s is corrupt - & effectively hangs
also r-studio under windows won't see the drive - hangs when I do refresh

however I can boot into linux (ubuntu) so if I could save the disk image there and then restart windows & process the saved image...


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Re: create disk image without r-studio

Post by Alt » Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:28 pm

I believe it is possible if the software makes an exact byte-by-byte copy of the disk without adding any headers to the file.
But I didn't test.


Re: create disk image without r-studio

Post by Guest » Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:49 pm

Yes. I'm using an image I made with dd_rescue (dd works, too--dd_rescue is just more automated) with the input being the partition (e.g. /dev/sdb5) and outputting to a file on another disk with a .bin extension. I don't know for sure R-Linux can peruse a dd dump of an entire disk (e.g. input /dev/sdb -- w/o a partition number), but I suspect it would. dd and dd_rescue still make a byte-for-byte dump; the scope/extent of it is just larger.

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