Using backup MFT on recovered partition

A forum on data recovery using the professional data recovery software R-STUDIO.

Using backup MFT on recovered partition

Post by JamesB » Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:01 pm

I've created a virtual block raid partition, however I believe the original MFT was corrupted when the original raid array went down; R-Studio gives me a number of 'Unexpected MFT record' and 'Claimed attribute size was shrunk' errors when I scan the drive. I know that a backup MFT is stored in the last sector; is there a way to have R-Studio use this instead of the primary one to recover files?

I'm getting a lot of files turning up in the scan, but the directory structure is lost, and all the files show up in one big file-type bucket, many of them corrupt.


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Re: Using backup MFT on recovered partition

Post by Alt » Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:11 pm

R-Studio uses both MFT copies, although the second MFT copy is too less informative.
Sometimes data on disk is so damaged, that the directory structure is totally lost.


Re: Using backup MFT on recovered partition

Post by JamesB » Wed May 05, 2010 8:22 pm

How does it know which entries to use, the primary or backup MFT? Can it tell that one is damaged?

Thanks for the help!

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