how to find installer

A forum on data recovery using the professional data recovery software R-STUDIO.
l zuckier

how to find installer

Post by l zuckier » Mon May 24, 2010 7:15 am

I purchased and installed R-STUDIO in Oct 08 and now am replacing my hard drive and would like to reinstall on the new drive. I cannot find the installer file from that time, though it may be lurking somewhere on my backup disks.

What would be the name of the installer?

Is there a way to copy the program from a working drive to the new drive?



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Re: how to find installer

Post by Alt » Mon May 24, 2010 10:36 am

The file name would depend on the R-Studio type.
You may download the setup file from the registered user's console: .
You'll need the e-mail you've received from R-TT with the R-Studio key, order number, etc.

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