Limiting the Backup...

Disk backup and restore, partition imaging and cloning, and drive copy using R-Drive Image.
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Limiting the Backup...

Post by arrrghhh » Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:58 am

Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong route, but I want to be sure that R-Drive will remove old backup files when necessary. So for testing (as I only have 15 days to trial this software...) I scheduled a incremental backup every 30 minutes. It does the full backup on its own and the backups kick off automatically beautifully. I was even able to hide the window, have it run while logged out, map drives etc. Surprisingly there wasn't a lot of info on any of that, but I was able to muttle through it. Now that I have it setup the way I want, I have 1 day left on my trial, haha! At any rate, I've tried to limit the backup sets in many different ways, and the issue may lie in how I do these backups - they are being pushed to a network share. I limited it by backup set (7), by number of image files (7) and by backup age (7 days). The only thing I haven't really tested is the backup age, but all the other backup "maximums" are not working for me at all. I let the scheduled task go over the long weekend, every 30 minutes kicking off a backup produced about 14gb worth of data and 150+ files. Obviously this is wrong - is there something I don't have right? Here is the command that is in my batch file.

r-driveimagecl.exe append -append-inc="true" /a /o -s="1:1" -a="w:\test.arc" -c=9 -u -bs -bs-num-b="7" -bs-num-f="7" -bs-age="7"

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Re: Limiting the Backup...

Post by Alt » Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:47 am

Well, what are you doing with this script is appending incrementally data to ONE backup set. And R-Drive Image always keeps at least one backup set regardless of the all other parameters.
What you need is to have TWO scripts, one to create a full backup starting a new backup set, the other to create incremental backups within the same backup set.
The example of such task (although through R-Drive Image GUI) is described in RDI Help -> Scheduled Actions, Command Line Operations, and Scripting -> Backup Sets

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Re: Limiting the Backup...

Post by arrrghhh » Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:40 am

Ah I figured that something was wrong. I'll try that, thanks.

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Re: Limiting the Backup...

Post by arrrghhh » Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:23 am

Ok, so I now have a full backup that runs weekly and incremental backups that run daily (every 30 mins for testing) - and I still get a TON of files. I'm at 48 incremental backups now. Here's the commands it's running:

for the incremental backup:

r-driveimagecl.exe append -append-inc="true" /a /o -s="1:1" -a="w:\test.arc" -c=9 -u -bs -bs-num-b="7" -bs-num-f="7" -bs-age="7"

for the full backup:

r-driveimagecl.exe create /a /o -s="1:1" -a="w:\test.arc" -c=9 -u -bs -bs-num-b="7" -bs-num-f="7" -bs-age="7"

I have a batch file that maps the W: drive to a network share. I have that working consistently, and the files push to the network share no problem. The issue I have is I need these backups to limit themselves, which they are not. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks.

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Re: Limiting the Backup...

Post by Alt » Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:21 pm

I think, you need to have your full backup task run every several hours for the testing purpose, or see the results in 7 days.
Each backup set for your task should start with a full backup. I suggest

for the incremental backup:

r-driveimagecl.exe append -append-inc="true" /a /o -s="1:1" -a="w:\test.arc" -c=9 -u -bs -bs-num-b="7" -bs-num-f="3" -bs-age="7"

for the full backup:

r-driveimagecl.exe create /a /o -s="1:1" -a="w:\test.arc" -c=9 -u -bs -bs-num-b="7" -bs-num-f="3" -bs-age="7"
Here I limit the number of files to 3 (for the testing purpose). Then start the last script every, say, 3 hours, and the first one every 30 min.
If there are still problems, I'd like to look at the file list in that folder after these scripts have run several times.

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Re: Limiting the Backup...

Post by arrrghhh » Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:36 pm

alrighty, i'll give this a shot and post back.

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Re: Limiting the Backup...

Post by arrrghhh » Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:26 pm

alrighty, that seemed to work. i watched it take another full backup and it removed the old full backup and all the incremental backups. thanks Alt!

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