Thank You

A forum on data recovery using the professional data recovery software R-STUDIO.
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Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:56 pm

Thank You

Post by pinzero » Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:30 pm

To the developers of R-Studio:

Thank You :D

I needed to recovery a missing drive from a 3 drive raid 5 array - using an ICH8R chipset that would not let me rebuild the array onto the missing disk from the Bios after replacing the bad drive. The last backup I had from this system was from 1/9/2009 - needless to say I really wanted my data back.

I stumbled across this link in my quest to get my data back ... -and-sound

I imaged the two good 320GB drives to two other Linux machines in my network and installed R-Studio in Demo Mode on a third Windows 7 64-Bit machine. Using the Video and R-Studio I was able to reconstruct the array and recover all of my files. I wanted to thank the developers of the R-Studio software - the program works great and I am really impressed with it - obviously I got back everything that I wanted.

There are a couple of things that I would like to point out - one the demo actually does prove before you buy it that it R-Studio will work. And once you have proven that - and decide that you do want to purchase it - you do not have to exit the Demo mode to enter the registration code and restart the software. You can enter the code and begin to recover your files right away - just well thought out in my book.

I have been working on all sorts of computers for 25+ years and It is very rare today to find something that really works well and is well thought out - R-Studio Really works well and is well thought out.

Please accept my true appreciation for all of the hard work that has gone into making the R-Studio Program and R-Studio for saving my data.

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Re: Thank You

Post by Alt » Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:47 pm

Thank you for these good words. We are very happy when our products help people solve their problems. We assure you that we'll continue developing our products in the way they serve people the best.
And thank you once again.

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