thumbnails ok but images aern't

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thumbnails ok but images aern't

Post by apaseall » Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:54 pm

i am trying to recover some images. jpeg i believe. lots of them are found during a scan.
some are found with the know file type scan.

viewing the folder as thumbnails shows many of the images as intact.
however when i click on them i usually get an image that is a mess.

i would attach a file but it complains lol.

say the image should show;

x x xxxxx x xxxxx
x x x x x x
xxxxx xxx x xxxxx
x x x x x
x x xxxxx xxxxx x

what i get is;

x x xxxxx x xxxxx
x x ___ x x x
x xxxxx xxx x xxxxx
c d e f g
x x xxxxx xxxxx x

or something like that. the image is there, ususally but parts are moved/shifted out of sync and then other bits are coloured oddly.

any thoughts ?

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Re: thumbnails ok but images aern't

Post by Alt » Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:27 am

Thoughts are that those jpg's were fragmented or part of them are overwritten with new data, that's why they look like that.

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