Where are the Image Temp Files?

Disk backup and restore, partition imaging and cloning, and drive copy using R-Drive Image.
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Where are the Image Temp Files?

Post by cronoslogic » Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:34 pm


We've recently purchased your R-Drive Image software to create exact image backups of the drives on our server. When I went to create an image for the primary OS drive, I sent the .arc file to a shared drive on the network. Everything seemed to be working fine until our server's power supply overheated, (most likely from over demand), and I had to cancel the R-Drive image creation and exit the software abruptly. I tried this twice and it failed both times. I was forced to cancel and close R-Drive each time.

The problem I am seeing now is that for each time I ran the image creation, a temp file was created on the local drive and is eating up valuable space. What I need to know is where can I find the temp files that were created locally so I can remove them. I have another approach I would like to try that should avoid the overheating issue and I cannot do this with these huge temp files still on the drive. I've looked in all the obvious places where they should be stored and cannot find them. Can you tell me where I should be looking?

Joe Weierheiser
Medfleet, Inc.

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Re: Where are the Image Temp Files?

Post by Alt » Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:56 am

If the default windows snapshot provider is used, R-Drive Image does not create a temp file.
If the r-tt snapshot provider is used, R-Drive Image creates a $r-backup$.tmp file in the root of the disk being backed up.
You may see which provider is used on the Backup Options panel.

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