I'm scanning a 200GB IDE drive, it's taking 3 hours then just stops at about %80. Pressing the stop button does nothing.
A .scn is established but when trying to load it r-studio hangs.
Version is 3.5 on Windows XP registered.
Scanning stops, hitting stop button does nothing
Scan stops - stop button not responding
The scan stops at about %80. The stop button doesn't respond. A .scn is established but loading it hangs r-studio.
It's taking about 3 hours to scan %80 of a 200GB 7200 drive on a P4 3.4HT 1GB DDR2 667 RAM using r-studio 3.5 registered on XP SP3.
Any advice?
It's taking about 3 hours to scan %80 of a 200GB 7200 drive on a P4 3.4HT 1GB DDR2 667 RAM using r-studio 3.5 registered on XP SP3.
Any advice?
Re: Scanning stops, hitting stop button does nothing
I'd recommend to upgrade to the latest (5.0) version.