R-Studio v5.0, R-Undelete 4.0, R-Linux 4.0 Build 129019

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R-tt Team
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R-Studio v5.0, R-Undelete 4.0, R-Linux 4.0 Build 129019

Post by R-tt Team » Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:25 pm

New builds of R-Studio v5.0, R-Undelete 4.0, R-Linux 4.0 are available for download.
New features:
+ The Recover, Mark, Preview items are added on the Find Results shortcut menu
+ The Select All and Clear All buttons are added to the Settings → File Types tab
+ Messages explaining errors in RAID parameters are added to the RAID reconstruction module.
+ Recovery of attributes and alternative data streams for folders are added.

* New widgets for drive size specification are added
* Enhanced representation and selection for logical disks/partitions on a drive, their properties can be edited.
* There is no default path when the Recover dialog box is called at the first time.
* The address of the cursor position is specified in the Range from field on the Fill dialog box.
* Files being recovered on the fly, for which parent folders cannot be found, are saved to temporal folders ($$$Folder...)

- The property tree shrank when a drive was selected.
- Now it is possible to register R-Studio during data recovery. Earlier the registration process stopped file recovery.
- Mark did not worked in Extra Found Files
- Now R-Studio releases memory correctly after the Preview process.
- When a position was changed in HexVew, the Data Interpreter tree shrunk.
- Artifacts are not displayed anymore in the HexView layout when panels are hidden while switching from the DataView mode to the TextView mode.
- MFT File Record template is now appears in the Text/hexadecimal editor
- Rows/columns are displayed more accurately under certain window sizes in HexVew.
- The folder icon is corrected in Windows 7

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