attempting to recover .wtv (windows Media center) files

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attempting to recover .wtv (windows Media center) files

Post by nmkona » Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:08 pm

Greetings, I'm trying to recover files from a 3TB drive. .WTV files are Windows Media Center recorded Television (video) files.

I was copying a large number of these files over to a 3TB drive when I received a windows error on the drive, at which time the drive no longer shows up in the drive list.

I've used R-Studio to attempt file recovery on the drive. I created a user file type from information found here: As well as validating the 'Begin' data from a couple of WTV valid/good files.

R-Studio does find a number of these files, however I think that there's still a problem: Each real recorded TV episode is approximately 3.5 GB per 30 minutes. What R-Studio is finding is (I think) two files for every one real file. I get one file that is about 12MB . this file has all of the proper meta data about the TV episode etc attached to it (via properties), and then another file found (right after it in the naming of the file), that is around that 3.5 GB per 30 min size. This file doesn't have any meta data associated with it., nor does it play as a recorded file.

I'm not sure if there's some additional information I could use in the 'known file type' xml (??) Or if perhaps there is some way I can attempt to recover the drive MFT ? (there are recovered $MFT files as well).

thanks for any suggestions.

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Re: attempting to recover .wtv (windows Media center) files

Post by Alt » Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:11 am

It might appear that the original WTV files have the same data pattern in two places, thus R-Studio finds them as two separate files. You may check that by searching an original WTV file for that pattern. And if this is the case, you may "add" the file with the metadata to the second file. It can be done in the editor built into R-Studo.

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