Intel Matrix Raid and Startup mode

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Intel Matrix Raid and Startup mode

Post by RyGa » Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:58 pm

I took a image of my raid 0 (intel matrix on dell xps m1730 laptop - 2x200gb) 400gb drive.

As this is my system drive I cannot restore from within vista. However the starup cd dosent allow me to restore the image as it dosent appear to reconise my raid array. instead of listing the 400gb raid as a destination it is listing the 2 individual disks??

As this is a laptop i am not able to add another drive to load a temp windows install to allow me to do the restore from windows. I have tried and failed to create a usb pen install of xp to allow me to install r drive image, and drivers for intel matrix then attemp restore to raid that way.

Am i being daft? is there some other way i should be doing this? can the support of the intel matrix raid not be added to rdrive startup mode disk?

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Re: Intel Matrix Raid and Startup mode

Post by Alt » Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:15 am

I would recommend you to create a startup USB hard drive and start your system from it.

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Re: Intel Matrix Raid and Startup mode

Post by RyGa » Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:41 am

Alt wrote:I would recommend you to create a startup USB hard drive and start your system from it.
Sounds simple enough but how will that version of startup offer support for intel matrix raid that the startup CD dosent? is there a way to add raid drivers?

ps.Im assuming when you say startup usb hard drive you simply mean a usb HD version of whats on the CD?

I did try to make a usb install of xp to allow loading of the intel matrix drivers, then r drive image. that would hopefully allow running of the app to reimage over my raid array (which by running xp from usb would make raid no longer the system disk). the exercise isn't working, getting round microsofts limitation of not being allowed to install to removable media isnt working, even using the various published methods.

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Re: Intel Matrix Raid and Startup mode

Post by Alt » Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:49 am

I mean you can create a USB HD startup disk with Windows XP. I don't know why you couldn't do that. I did that several times.

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Re: Intel Matrix Raid and Startup mode

Post by RyGa » Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:52 am

Alt wrote:I mean you can create a USB HD startup disk with Windows XP. I don't know why you couldn't do that. I did that several times.
What method did you use? A standard installation to removable media failes without doubt after initial file copy to the removable device (HAL error).

going further I tried;
bartpe method - failed when i tried to load drivers for intel matrix raid and would no longer boot
XP3esd method of creating a moded windows iso/cd that allows installtion to usb device, but it failed immediatly after installation.

I tried both methods to an ext HD and USB flash pen.

Did you use another method?

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Re: Intel Matrix Raid and Startup mode

Post by RyGa » Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:44 pm

finally got it.

Was able to build a bartpe boot disk using correct intel matrix drivers (manf supplied ones - dell) and also included rdrive in the build using the bartpe inf thats in the install dir.

must have been the raid drivers that was stopping it before.

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