R-Studio for Mac 2.6.1419

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R-tt Team
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R-Studio for Mac 2.6.1419

Post by R-tt Team » Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:04 am

A new build of R-Studio is available for download.
* Now it’s possible to edit a disk with 2^63 sectors (previously it was 2^32).
* The appearance of the Connect to Remote dialog box is improved

- It was impossible to open a file without an extension if *.* was selected. Fixed.
- An old language mark remained on the Help -> Change Language menu item when the GUI language had been changed on the Help -> Language menu item. Fixed.
- A long file path and name might not to fit into the Demo limitations dialog box. Fixed.
- Several bugs in the Text/Hexadecimal editor are fixed.

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