Size limitation on the previewer or other issue?

A forum on data recovery using the professional data recovery software R-STUDIO.

Size limitation on the previewer or other issue?

Post by katzrecovery » Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:22 pm


I am demo-ing R-Studio and am having an issue. Many of the files that I am attempting to recover are coming back with an an error message when I attempt to view them;

filename.doc is damaged or file is not supported by the previewer. Press OK to view in Hexview or Cancel.

These files have a red "X" in the box next to them. Does this really mean that they are damaged or is there another issue?

Is there a size limit on the viewable file in the Demo version? Some of these are pretty small, since they are office/word doc., etc. For example, I just got this message on a jpg. I was attempting to view at a file size of 7881 bytes, and a document of 28160 bytes.

Thanks so much for your time! :)

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Re: Size limitation on the previewer or other issue?

Post by Alt » Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:00 pm

There's no size limitation for previewing files. Something wrong with the process of data recovery. Please, describe your situation more precisely.
Red "x" means that the file was deleted.


Re: Size limitation on the previewer or other issue?

Post by katzrecovery » Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:44 pm

Well, I went ahead & purchased the license for R Studio.

I am working on a PC that was reformatted about a week ago & not much work has been done on it since then. I am getting Green, Orange & Red "Recognized files" after I do the scan. However, when I attempt to recover any of these files I get the same message -

"filename.doc is damaged or file is not supported by the previewer. Press OK to view in Hexview or Cancel."

If I open in Hexview it is full of random characters. The actual file names do show up as were created by the user, but as mentioned, I cannot recover any of them.


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Re: Size limitation on the previewer or other issue?

Post by Alt » Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:55 am

Can you post a screenshot of the Main panel and tell which recognised partition you're using?
The "reformatted PC", does that mean that a fresh OS has been installed on it?

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