Analyzing recognized partions layout

A forum on data recovery using the professional data recovery software R-STUDIO.

Analyzing recognized partions layout

Post by Guest » Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:18 am


I try to recover a RAID-5 layout but now R-Studio stucks at 100% "Analyzing recognized partitions layout for..." for the last 6 days.

- R-Studio 5.4.134580 x64
- .scn file size is 1.117.096 KB
- the private memory usage growed from 1.517.200 to 2.338.504 during the last 6 days
- 1 cpu core has an average of 99%

The RAID-5 has a 6TB partition with many VMDKs on it.
Before I scanned the whole RAID, I tried to recover some small files and that worked. Then I started to scan the whole partition - this also was ok until showing the status "Analyzing recognized partitions layout for...".
May it finish or what can I do now?



Re: Analyzing recognized partions layout

Post by xsoliman » Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:39 pm

Did you scan for all filesystems, or just a specific on (ntfs) or is it vmfs

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Re: Analyzing recognized partions layout

Post by Alt » Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:12 am

Guest wrote:Hi,
I try to recover a RAID-5 layout but now R-Studio stucks at 100% "Analyzing recognized partitions layout for..." for the last 6 days.

May it finish or what can I do now?
Can you zip the scn file and put it to our ftp for us to analyse the situation? And if yes, which e-mail we should use to send the login/password?

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