CHOWN need for Mac recovery?

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CHOWN need for Mac recovery?

Post by PaulK » Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:09 am

Hi guys,

I need some advice please.

My macbook pro is set up with two drives, 1xSSD and 1xSATA, my SSD is used for the OS and my apps, I have an individual admin enabled account on each drive (in case of problems). Recently I could not log in using the account with its home drive located on the SATA.

A quick scan showed that the drive was failing, I used R-Studio to scan and then recover the whole drive to a new SATA drive, copying the data over USB.

I opened up my laptop and swapped the dead disk for the good one.

On booting up and login in I can now use the account that was failing before, but it has essentially set me up as if I were a new user (all my settings desktop etc are gone). The recovered data is definatley on the new drive. I have a Root and Users directory with my data visable in the home folder 'paul'

I checked the advanced properties for the user 'paul' and the home directory appears to be in the correct place.

I dont understand why although i can see everything the Mac refuses to use/load those setting when I log in.

I am wondering if it is a permissions problem? Disk util did not see any problem with the new drive. I suspect maybe there is an owner issue (I'm clutching straws here).

Can anyone tell me how I could verify this, and how to use the CHOWN command to fix this (if this is the problem).

If not can anyone suggest the next course of action?

I have a time machine backup, but it if a few months out of date and I would prefer to keep my more recently updated files.

I'm currently loving R-Studio, and keeping my cool rather than my usual panic, but I would really appreciate some help at this stage.

With thanks

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Re: CHOWN need for Mac recovery?

Post by Alt » Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:06 am

There might be problems with the fact that the new disk has another serial number and so on. Maybe this is the root of problem, but I'm not sure.

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