R-Wipe&Clean 9.8 (Build 1837)

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R-tt Team
R-tt Team Member
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Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:10 pm

R-Wipe&Clean 9.8 (Build 1837)

Post by R-tt Team » Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:38 am

A new build of R-Wipe & Clean is available for download.
New features:
+ Full support for Windows 8.

* Improved recognition of Google Chrome version 22.0.1229.92.

The Internet (IE) section under Window 8:
* Improved display of Cached DOM Files.
* Improved deletion of offline content on the Temporary Internet Files, Cookies и History tab - new index files might be deleted resulting in deletion Favorite Cookies when Show Offline Content was enabled.
* Improved content display and deletion on the Cached Feeds tab – new index files might be shown and deleted.
* Improved content display and deletion on the Temporary Internet Files tab – new index files might be shown and deleted when Show Offline Content was enabled.

User's section under Windows 8.
* Improved content display and deletion on the Stored File Types tab – extensions of Metro applications present in the system might be shown and deleted.
* Improved content display and deletion on the Stored MIME Types tab – MIME types of Metro applications present in the system might be shown and deleted.
* Improved content display and deletion on the Stored Program Identifiers tab – identifiers of Metro applications present in the system might be shown and deleted.

System's section under Windows 8.
* Improved content display and deletion on the Stored AutoPlay Handlers Paths, Stored File Types Paths tab, Stored Installer Component Paths Paths, and Stored MIME Types tabs.
* Improved content display and deletion for the Removed Applications with configured Elevation Policy item on the System Registry Traces tab – for the 64-bit version.
* Improved content display and deletion on the Stored COM Class Identifiers tab – for the 64-bit version.

User's section:
* Improved content display and deletion on the nvalid Desktop Shortcuts tab – for the 64-bit Windows 7.

- On the general tab Unused Space the Wipe Now button didn't react to the Select All and Clear All buttons. Fixed.

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