I have 4.55Tb raid5 volume that was repartitioned accidentally with a 32MB Fat16 and 1.44GB fat32 (dell openmanage).
I am trying to recover in a Windows 2012 OS. The disks are all tested good. The information I was trying to recover was a GPT partition, NTFS formatted.
System has 40GB ram E5410 Quad core Xeon processor.
After 3 days the scan has stopped on analyzing at 97% for the last 12 hours. It says 2 hours remaining with varying minutes (2 to 10). I have clicked "Stop" and the computer gives the cancellation dialog which I click "Yes". No response.
the memory usage has not changed in 4+ hours of logging, the CPU cycles between 22% and 51%. Using up to one processor fully at any given time.
I am assuming the program is locked, is there something I can do to get the scan data already done?
4TB data recovery - is the program locked?
Re: 4TB data recovery - is the program locked?
Well, did you check "Save to file" on the Scan dialog box? If not, you're out of luck, sorry.