Setting Up Backup Scheme for First Time - Is this possible?

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Setting Up Backup Scheme for First Time - Is this possible?

Post by shelzmike » Fri May 24, 2013 12:48 pm

I actually have a copy of R-Drive image as well as Acronis 2013 TrueImage and am trying to determine which one to rely on permanently moving forward. I am already leaning towards R-Drive Image as I have experienced and have read it is quicker. However, Acronis is a might bit more user friendly and intuitive that RDI. That being said, this is somewhat of a non-issue for me as I am an IT Specialist by trade so I can make it through without all the fancy graphics and whatnot.

I do have a few questions as backup is not my strong-suit and I am still trying to sort out the terminology and how to make what I am trying to do work.

Basically, I want to have 2 sets of the following setup:

1 Full backup Monthly, Differential Weekly, and Incremental daily. Is this possible or even a good solution to use? Here is my plan sort of thrown together here:
Day 0 - FULL BACKUP (1)
Day 1 - Incremental Backup(1-1)
Day 2 - Incremental Backup (1-2)
Day 3 - Incremental Backup (1-3)
Day 4 - Incremental Backup(1-4)
Day 5 - Incremental Backup(1-5)
Day 6 - Incremental Backup(1-6)
Day 7 - Differential Backup (1-1) [Also, I want to delete Day 1-6 Incrementals at this point, can this be done from within RDI, or is separate scripting needing to be done with Task Scheduler, etc. or would I have to do it manually?]
Day 8 - Incremental Backup(1- 1)
Day 9 - Incremental Backup(1- 2)
Day 10 - Incremental Backup(1- 3)
Day 11 - Incremental Backup(1- 4)
Day 12 - Incremental Backup(1- 5)
Day 13 - Incremental Backup(1- 6)
Day 14 - Differential Backup (1-2) [Again, delete the incrementals]
Day 15 - Incremental Backup(1- 1)
Day 16 - Incremental Backup(1- 2)
Day 17 - Incremental Backup(1- 3)
Day 18 - Incremental Backup(1- 4)
Day 19 - Incremental Backup(1- 5)
Day 20 - Incremental Backup(1- 6)
Day 21 - Differential (1-3) [Delete Incrementals]
Day 22 - Incremental Backup(1- 1)
Day 23 - Incremental Backup(1-2)
Day 24 - Incremental Backup(1-3)
Day 25 - Incremental Backup(1-4)
Day 26 - Incremental Backup(1-5)
Day 27 - Incremental Backup(1-6)
Day 28 - FULL BACKUP (2) - Delete All previous incrementals from the first set of backups so that the only thing kept is FULL BACKUP(1) and Differential Backups (1-1 through 1-3)
Start over for 2nd set, but keep the previous fulls plus differentials for one month, then start the process over and delete so that no backup set is older than ~60 days

So at all times, I should have 1 full backup + 3 differentials from one month back, plus the currently running set.

Wow, that looks more complicated that I am thinking it really is. Is this is a task that is easily handled with RDI? I realize that I may have problems with trying to include the Differentials as well as the Incrementals and with Acronis I can only do one or the other. If I have to choose only 1, then I would go with the FULL once weekly plus incrementals, keeping 2 weeks worth back. That is of course unless there is a better suggestion.

I look forward to responses. Thanks!


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Re: Setting Up Backup Scheme for First Time - Is this possib

Post by Alt » Sat May 25, 2013 8:30 am

Yes, you can implement this backup scheme by using Backup Sets, read more about them in our help: Backup Sets. Please, note that you have actually create 3 tasks: for a full backup (once a month), for a differential backup (once a week), and an incremental backup (once a day, except the day when the diff. backup is to be created).
Actually, I can write the schedule for you, but I strongly recommend you to spend some time and do that yourself. Once you're through, you'll be able to create such schedules for any backup plans easily.
And don't hesitate to contact me should any question arise.


Re: Setting Up Backup Scheme for First Time - Is this possib

Post by shelzmike » Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:54 pm

I appreciate your response. I have just now gotten back around to do this. I will take a look at your link that you provided. I do have another question however.

I currently have 2 disks, with 3 partitions. Disk 0 is partition C: only and Disk 1 is partition P: and Z:

Is it fine for each backup set to include all 3 partitions together, or should I create 3 backup sets for each partition? That seems unnecessary, but wanted to run it by you first. Thanks!



Re: Setting Up Backup Scheme for First Time - Is this possib

Post by shelzmike » Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:21 pm

Alright - after some thought and research, I realized that for my purposes I can just include all disks and partitions into the 3 individual backup sets. Please correct me if I am wrong in thinking this way. This seems to protect me in all instances except those in which I would need to do a bare metal, is that correct? I am hoping there is a way around that though as it is possible that I would need to do a bare metal if something on a mainboard fails. Again, perhaps my thinking is flawed here to.

I also went ahead and setup my sets and the schedule. Here is a list of what I have done. Please advise on any flawed thinking or tweaks I should make:

Disk 0 is System Partition and C:
Disk 1 is Partitions P: and Z:

Full Backup Set:
System Partition, C:, P:, Z:
File Name: G:\Disk0_1_Partitions_C_P_Z-image_full.rdr (G: is an External 1.5 TB hard drive)
Backup Set Size Quota: 0MB
Maximum number of backup sets: 2 (**Let me know if this will essentially keep 2 total FULL images - the most current, and one prior, deleting all the rest).
Maximum number of image files: 0
Maximum backup set age: 0 days

Create New Full Image
Check File Immediately Upon its creation
Slider is 3 ticks to the right of faster speed
Image split size: automatic
Backup Actual Data Only
Everything on Backup Options is left at default on all backup sets

Perform this task: Monthly
Task is active
Start time: 10:00AM
Start Date: 6/17/2013 (will invoke this manually once this evening to get it started)
No End Date
Month Schedule: On the first Tuesday of every month
Use local system account
Mail Notifications/AUX Applications (left at default, though will want to research what all can be done here)

Here is the Processing screen (for reference on sizes)

Create an Image
Image File:
Active Partition #1 System Reserved , C: , P: Photography , Z: Secondary
Create a new full image
Estimated image size:
Estimated total duration:
5 hour(s) 32 minute(s)

Operation 1 of 7
Backup partition
Backup type:
Actual data only
Active Partition #1
File System:
Volume Label:
System Reserved
Used space:
Located on HDD:
WDC WD3200BPVT-22JJ5T001.01A01 (298GB #1)
Estimated duration:
10 second(s)

Operation 2 of 7
Backup partition
Backup type:
Actual data only
Primary Partition #2
Drive Letter:
File System:
Used space:
Located on HDD:
WDC WD3200BPVT-22JJ5T001.01A01 (298GB #1)
Estimated duration:
2 hour(s) 16 minute(s)

Operation 3 of 7
Backup disk partition structure
WDC WD3200BPVT-22JJ5T001.01A01 (298GB)
SATA2@2:0 #1

Operation 4 of 7
Backup partition
Backup type:
Actual data only
Primary Partition #1
Drive Letter:
File System:
Volume Label:
Used space:
Located on HDD:
WDC WD7500BPKT-00PK4T001.01A01 (698GB #2)
Estimated duration:
15 minute(s) 50 second(s)

Operation 5 of 7
Backup partition
Backup type:
Actual data only
Primary Partition #2
Drive Letter:
File System:
Volume Label:
Used space:
Located on HDD:
WDC WD7500BPKT-00PK4T001.01A01 (698GB #2)
Estimated duration:
2 hour(s) 33 minute(s)

Operation 6 of 7
Backup disk partition structure
WDC WD7500BPKT-00PK4T001.01A01 (698GB)
SATA2@2:0 #2

Operation 7 of 7
Check an Image File
Estimated duration:
26 minute(s) 39 second(s)

Now, backup set 2:

System Partition, C:, P:, Z:
File Name: G:\Disk0_1_Partitions_C_P_Z-image_incremental.rdr (G: is an External 1.5 TB hard drive)
Backup Set Size Quota: 0MB
Maximum number of backup sets: 6 (**Let me know if this will essentially keep 6 total differential images - the most current, and five prior, deleting all the rest, since there will be the 1 differential).
Maximum number of image files: 0
Maximum backup set age: 0 days

Append Changes Incrementally
Slider is 3 ticks to the right of faster speed
Image split size: automatic
Backup Actual Data Only
Everything on Backup Options is left at default on all backup sets

Perform this task: Daily
Task is active
Start time: 2:36 PM
Start Date: 6/18/2013 (will invoke this manually once this evening to get it started)
No End Date
Run this task every 1 day
Use local system account
Mail Notifications/AUX Applications (left at default, though will want to research what all can be done here)

Full Backup Set:
System Partition, C:, P:, Z:
File Name: G:\Disk0_1_Partitions_C_P_Z-image_full.rdr (G: is an External 1.5 TB hard drive)
Backup Set Size Quota: 0MB
Maximum number of backup sets: 2 (**Let me know if this will essentially keep 2 total FULL images - the most current, and one prior, deleting all the rest).
Maximum number of image files: 0
Maximum backup set age: 0 days

Create New Full Image
Check File Immediately Upon its creation
Slider is 3 ticks to the right of faster speed
Image split size: automatic
Backup Actual Data Only
Everything on Backup Options is left at default on all backup sets

Perform this task: Monthly
Task is active
Start time: 10:00AM
Start Date: 6/17/2013 (will invoke this manually once this evening to get it started)
No End Date
Month Schedule: On the first Tuesday of every month
Use local system account
Mail Notifications/AUX Applications (left at default, though will want to research what all can be done here)

Two things I cannot figure out and I am guessing one of them cannot be done. First is there any way to have it skip the incremental on the day the differential and Full runs? And the differential on the day the full runs?

Also (and pretty sure I cannot do this) - there is no way that when the differential runs it will delete all the previous weeks' incrementals so that it can start over? Thanks again!


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Re: Setting Up Backup Scheme for First Time - Is this possib

Post by Alt » Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:51 am

shelzmike wrote: I currently have 2 disks, with 3 partitions. Disk 0 is partition C: only and Disk 1 is partition P: and Z:

Is it fine for each backup set to include all 3 partitions together, or should I create 3 backup sets for each partition? That seems unnecessary, but wanted to run it by you first. Thanks!

You may create one backup set for all partitions. An image file can contain several logical disks from several hard drives.

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Re: Setting Up Backup Scheme for First Time - Is this possib

Post by Alt » Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:00 am

Ah! I understand. Looks like you confused a backup set and a backup task. A backup set may have (and usually has) several connected backup tasks that provide a internally consistent set of backup files. So, you must do all these tasks within one backup set. Later I'll try to develop such backup set for you.

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