Storage Spaces...the perfect Storm...hardware failure

Discussions on using the professional data recovery program R-STUDIO for RAID re-construction, NAS recovery, and recovery of various disk and volume managers: Windows storage spaces, Apple volumes, and Linux Logical Volume Manager.
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Storage Spaces...the perfect Storm...hardware failure

Post by dougswan » Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:53 am

To add to the looks like all be one of the drives is not accessible when it came back up on the new server. The Layout is Simple...Provisioning is Thin. Capacity is 10.9 and 8.44 is allocated. Server Manager > File and Storage Services > Volumes > Storage Spaces...will not let me mount the remaining drives...(Error Message)

Error attaching or detaching Virtual Disk: Fail to attach virtual disk to MyServer. Unspecified Error Extended information : The specified network resource or device is no longer available.

how can I retrieve my Data on the remaining 6 drives?

I assume Simple is without Raid

Hardware info:

The original Server was a HP MediaSmart 485, Celeron with 2 GB of ram...4 2TB SATA Drives in the server and an additional USB 2 array with 4 1.5 TB SATA Drives in it all the Drives show up as individual drives. As I started my upgrade I was copying the data to an external 2 TB drive. About an hour into it the copy the processes...the server began to spontaneously rebooting. So I built the new server...a retired HP DL360 with two Xeon 5620s and 48 GB of ram. There are 4 142 GB SAS drives that are configured the internal Raid Controller to 1+0 raid (this is for System Drive only...I attached all the drives via USB. Is that enough? The new Drive Array is a SAN Digital 8 Bay. Based on what I have experienced I will definitely move away form Storage Spaces and go to a Hardware Raid.

One question do I get my data off the drives. R-Studio did not recognize the data on the drives. And the new server does not recognize the volumes. I was able to create a test volume on the drives so they are there.

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Re: Storage Spaces...the perfect Storm...hardware failure

Post by Alt » Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:55 am

Sorry, I don't understand which disks are in the failed array?

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