what version to use

Disk backup and restore, partition imaging and cloning, and drive copy using R-Drive Image.
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what version to use

Post by dave659201 » Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:38 pm

I'm looking for software to copy SCSI disks (replacing old disks) use a boot disk, CD,USB
I don't need a lot of extras
Just want to boot and copy from the old disks to the news disks
It will be RAID, already setup in the Adaptec SCSI card
Used for Windows 2008 and 2003 server
Anything in R-Studio that will do this, and yes, not too expensive

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Re: what version to usen

Post by Alt » Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:56 pm

R-Drive Image is perfect for this job. Especially with its free tryout time.


Re: what version to use

Post by dave659201 » Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:37 am

Thank you for the info
So I looked at the R-Drive Image versions
See if I'm correct here
The standalone version is for one PC only, true
So if I want to do several pcs I would Need the Technician version, is this true
Also does the software have to be installed to make the boot CD
Can you just boot from the CD that you would make from the download file, I'm thinking it's a image file, ISO, etc
Thanks you

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Re: what version to use

Post by Alt » Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:40 pm

dave659201 wrote: The standalone version is for one PC only, true
So if I want to do several pcs I would Need the Technician version, is this true
There's volume licensing, as far as I know, but it's better to ask our sales department.
dave659201 wrote:Also does the software have to be installed to make the boot CD
Yes, it's have to be installed.

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Re: what version to use

Post by dave6592 » Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:41 pm

Tried out the Free Trial today

1) Installed fine
2) Made USB boot image fine
2.1)Couldn't get the pc to boot from USB, bios did recognized the USB
3) Made a CD boot image fine
3.1) Booted from the CD image fine
3.2) Clicked make a image (Just a test run), locked up on the "analyzing partions" progress screen

Any ideas why it would stop
I think this is what I would want to buy, with the Tech version @ $300, I'm a little hesitant now unless I can get the trial to work right
Is tech support available for the free download?

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Re: what version to use

Post by Alt » Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:50 am

Most likely some hardware incompatibilities.
Yes, tech support is available for a free test run. They try to fix such problems ASAP.
Please show them a reference to this topic.

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