A new version of R-Studio is available for download.
New features:
+ S.M.A.R.T. attribute monitoring. R-Studio can display S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) attributes for hard drives to show their hardware health and predict their possible failures. Any unnecessary work with such hard drives should be avoided if S.M.A.R.T. warnings appear.
+ New GUI languages added: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Portuguese.
- No message was shown when no offset were found during RAID parameter detection. Fixed.
- The message “RAID structure has been changed. Click Apply to commit changes.” appeared for all RAID layouts even only one RAID layout had been changed. Fixed.
- An opened compressed image might disappear from the Drives pane when an element of its reverse RAID had been removed. Fixed.
- The RAID consistency check process stopped when any value was entered into the Offset field. Fixed.
- There was no warning about re-writing the scan info file when a new pair of a disk image and scan info files were to be written over the existing one. Fixed.
- It was impossible to change scan parameters for simultaneous disk scanning and imaging. Fixed.
- A Check RAID consistency process could not be resumed after a stop unless the RAID was re-created. Fixed.
- It was possible to connect a single remote computer any times, and the same numbers of that remote computer would appear in the Drives panel. Fixed.
- Many cosmetic bugs.