Image creation just ends with Read Error [0x2b810000]

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Image creation just ends with Read Error [0x2b810000]

Post by teleferi » Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:13 pm


I just bought R-Studio.
I have one disk that is quite "sick"
I am trying to create an image of it so i can later perform deep searchs, etc

During the image creation process it finds several data errors with cyclic redundancy errors
After some minutes the image creation just ends with Read Error [0x2b810000]

I have it connected using a usb 3.0 connector to an external case. Using Windows 8.1. I have the impression that windows after some errors just cannot continue viewing the disk, so it disconnects it and any recovery windows software just fails, some just fail some others just hang and i cannot even close those with the task manager and i have to restart the computer.

Should i try some RIPLinux or something else?

Any advice appreciated

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Re: Image creation just ends with Read Error [0x2b810000]

Post by Corsari » Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:36 am

You are doing a common mistake ;)

Supposing one drive is recognized by BIOS, this could be imaged BUT...

(BEWARE: as stated above, they should "sound good" and being recognized by BIOS)

- it is a must to check their S.M.A.R.T. values/status, in particular for the values regarding the sectors reallocation events and the read errors and for the errors in general
- to check the S.M.A.R.T. values, the SMART system in the BIOS must be enabled
- to read the S.M.A.R.T. values, R-Studio provides a specific tab. To unveil it, click/select the interested drive on the left pane, goto to "View" menu and click on "S.M.A.R.T. Tab" values. As alternative, you can use several free utilities, personally we prefer to use CrystalDiskInfo the portable version also because on some controllers R-Studio doesn't show S.M.A.R.T. values while CrystalDiskInfo does.

The critical S.M.A.R.T. values are listed with a pink background color on this wikipedia page ... attributes

If ALL the critical S.M.A.R.T. values are all at their maximum value (PLEASE NOTE that especially reallocation events are values that get decresed, so they start from their maximum , Seagate generally is 100, WD is 200 some others are 250), you can do the image process with a common PC running windows and HDD RAW COPY Tool. The following link leads to a page with a good tutorial with screenshots about how to use HDD RAW COPY Tool.
If you are a linux addicted, you can use several linux tools.

if any of the critical S.M.A.R.T: values has been decreased, ESPECIALLY the reallocation events, ESPECIALLY the pending one, well we AVOID USIGN the PC and its BIOS, since the cloning process will fail. The common PC with the BIOS system, will hang for several seconds and even minutes ON EVERY SINGLE BAD SECTOR. This will potentially KILL THE DRIVE before than you even clone percentages of it.
IF THE S.M.A.R.T. analysis returns bad critical S.M.A.R.T. values, the drive MUST BE CLONED with special devices that are present in the Data Recovery labs.

Think about this: one 500GB drive has somethign less than LBAs (sectors). Bad sectors begun to raise up. Now they are 10.000 and that is the reason why the "pending" for reallocation events expired (too many bad sectors). A common PC will hang for 1 minute or even 90 seconds on every bad sector. PLEASE NOTE you, me, God, no one knows which is the cause that is causing the bad sectors and the cause may increase the bad sectors amount minute after minute. Well, let's count the theoretical time amount that it would require to skip all those 10.000 bad sector, supposed that they will require only 1 minute for each one
10.000 / 60 = 166,66 hours , 166 / 24 = 6,9 days ... More or less 7 days of GRRGGRGRGGGRGGGRGRGRG and maybe those bad sectors are spread in some useless areas.
Forget about useless or not. 10.000 on are ONLY 1/100.000 of the total LBAs.
With the above mentioned special devices, those 10.000 sectors:
- will be skipped so fast
- the drive healthy will be preserved
- the clone process will be completed flawless
- realistically the recover will result complete

Here it comes the dilemma: would you like to recover the data? Or would you like to self-kill your drive? It's up to you :idea:

The problem turns on the costs. Some Data Recovery companies are not transparent, some others will comunicate a final prices if the recovery process succeed, but the cost may be too expensive. Some others (really few) tells you in advance what they will do as recovery process and only really few-few of them will provide you a flat rate for that particular process. As example the company that provides the above tutorial about HDD RAW COPY Tool, is one of those rare and it offers the disk cloning process done with devices at really convenient flat rate.

Last edited by Corsari on Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
Technical Manager @ Recupero Dati RAID FAsTec (Italy)

1) What to check BEFORE begin a disk image/clone process [link]
2) Disks that are too slow while imaging/cloning them [link]
3) All my posts on this forum [link]

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Re: Image creation just ends with Read Error [0x2b810000]

Post by Alt » Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:26 am

R-Studio shows SMART data, too. See its help for details: S.M.A.R.T. Info for a Hard Drive.
Actually, if a drive shows symptoms of a hardware failure, CRC errors being one of them, the best option is to go to a reputable data professional.

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