Trying to determine backup status for client automation

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Trying to determine backup status for client automation

Post by tosol01 » Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:10 pm

We use GFI and are in the process of writing a script to determine when a backup fails across our client servers (~50 servers). I am in the process of turning on Logging for all the severs, but am curious as to a way that you can get this from a CMD LINE...such as

Code: Select all

schtask | findstr /i "<search string>"
I know that R-Drive Image makes it a scheduled tasks, but is there a way to pull the result from the task manager? The application log has a lot of entries already in place from our off-site backup solution. We use R-Drive image for...imaging...obvilously.

I've looked over the documentation and the FAQ's and can't really find an answer. I saw a reference to something along the lines of "check the task scheduler event log" but didn't see anything regarding the failed jobs.

Please point the direction to go. CMD line results are ideal as they are more reliable for batch scripting.

Thank you.


Re: Trying to determine backup status for client automation

Post by tosol1 » Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:06 pm

Really? Out of all these people using / who paid for the product, nobody is managing the actual status of the backups? If you are, how are you doing it? We need some centralization of data/backup(image) results

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Re: Trying to determine backup status for client automation

Post by Alt » Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:45 pm

Most of them do that through e-mails.


Re: Trying to determine backup status for client automation

Post by tosol1 » Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:15 pm

Is it possible to get the R-Drive Image scheduler RESULT status box from a CMDLINE? Is that stored somewhere in a configuration file or something that is text readable? I can parse it myself, but its getting critical as relying on an email account shared between multiple employees for time sensitivity just isn't a reasonable solution. Thanks

Is this forum moderated by actual support staff at all?

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Re: Trying to determine backup status for client automation

Post by andya68 » Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:36 pm

I think the poster might be a bit more polite when asking for free assistance with excellent software that sells for a fraction of the cost of other server disk imaging products.

As for monitoring the results of R-Drive backups - something that other readers may appreciate, you can use the following:
Schtasks /Query /FO LIST /TN "task name" /V
Or substitute CSV or XML for LIST to get different Format Output.

You can test for any Last Result not equal to 0. I would create a Regular Expression to search for that and if it failed, sound the alarm!


Re: Trying to determine backup status for client automation

Post by tosol1 » Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:25 pm

The OP (me) paid for the product so a "free" forum isn't kind of regardless. I re-read my original post and I think it was polite and straight forward. If you read it with a different manner, I can't control that but I am sorry you read it that way. As for the response, I can understand how that is taken out of context, but the tone that you appearently there, wasn't heard. I was just having a I.T. conversation with other people from the industry and was amazed that nobody actually checks on the status of the imaging, besides e-mail.

So if this somehow was taken incorrectly.... I am sorry you took it that. I do sincerely appareciate your answer. THis makes it possible to verify results!

Thank you,

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