corrupt data recovery.

A forum on data recovery using the professional data recovery software R-STUDIO.

corrupt data recovery.

Post by WildHare » Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:04 pm

When I scan a drive rstudio the data is mostly corrupt. But depending on where I look on the drive the corruption is different. For example there are folder with images ie. folder "aa". If I look in one "recognized1" scan compared to another scan location "recogniozed2" (they appear to be on the same place on the disk at about 495gb in) the images show different corruption , some images in folder "aa" will be good in recognized1 that are bad in recognized2 and vise versa.

It seems as if r-studio may not be able to view this drive properlty? It was in a mirror set. and the other drive appears the same way.

This drive was in a citrix server and a windows Virtual machine that I an trying to restore a website from.

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Re: corrupt data recovery.

Post by Alt » Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:40 am

Please attach a screenshot with the Drive pane with the recognized partitions. And tell me what happened with the data.

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Re: corrupt data recovery.

Post by Corsari » Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:29 am

You did not specified the hard drive manufacturer and model

You may have a corruption of the translator
Technical Manager @ Recupero Dati RAID FAsTec (Italy)

1) What to check BEFORE begin a disk image/clone process [link]
2) Disks that are too slow while imaging/cloning them [link]
3) All my posts on this forum [link]


Re: corrupt data recovery.

Post by WildHare » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:58 am

Seagate Barracuda ES.2 1tb

The drive has 3 partitions a 4gb and 8gb that I can read with no errors created by the Citrix OS. And the rest of the drive 931gb (rstudio labeled as "Empty Space 16") where the citrix VM's were located, this one give me the issues stated above.

Here is a link to a screen grab of the drive panel from rstudio

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Re: corrupt data recovery.

Post by Alt » Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:42 am

But what happened with that partition? Looks like some failed partition management / de-fragmentation.


Re: corrupt data recovery.

Post by WildHare » Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:37 pm

we are not sure, it was in a raid 1 mirror set. the server was running but after a reboot the OS did not boot again. It was running Citrix Xen Server. Both drives data look identical. with regards to the corruption. So I believe the issues is how xen server was saving the Virtual Machine images. My guess is that these VM's are stored in a way that rstudio does not recognize?

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Re: corrupt data recovery.

Post by Alt » Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:01 am

Not much experience in working with Citrix, but these articles may give you some clues: Data recovery from virtual machines and if you can mount the Citrix disk: VHD disk recovery.

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