A new build of R-Studio for Mac is available for download.
* Scrollbars were added to the Parents tab.
- The Group Description field for a user's file type might change to Other Files when its Description or Extension was changed. Fixed.
- Column sorting and arrangements were changed globally when they were changed on one tab. Fixed.
- Disabled legends on panels might appear again when returning to them from other panels. Fixed.
- The All Files on the Find/Mark and Mask dialog box might show some previously entered data. Fixed.
Hexadecimal Editor:
- The Specified offset is out of range message might appear twice when an entered value was more than maximum allowed. Fixed.
- A previously selected template might remain selected when a new selection was made. Fixed.
- Sometimes data editing might not work. Fixed.
- The Bookmark panel might be enabled after editor's restart. Fixed.
- A valid data entered into the GoTo field might be treated as invalid when multipliers (MB, GB, etc) were changed. Fixed.