RAID 5 Striped Volume

Discussions on using the professional data recovery program R-STUDIO for RAID re-construction, NAS recovery, and recovery of various disk and volume managers: Windows storage spaces, Apple volumes, and Linux Logical Volume Manager.
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RAID 5 Striped Volume

Post by RC000E » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:21 pm

So, I have a RAID 5 series of 3 500gb hd's. The PC was built for me and it after some surging and power issues, one day it wouldn't boot...wouldn't do anything. The Primary system was on two 2tb drives in Raid as a mirror. I was able to recover those before, so I have the bulk of my info back. Now I am trying to recover the storage system, which was in Raid 5.

I bought the software RStudio, to figure out the Raid config and hopefully get these working again. I'm WAY OUT of my realm here though.

I have a hot swap bay and had intended to image each of the 3 drives, then mount them as a virtual raid in Rstudio, then proceed. I downloaded RImage as well. I initially attempted to do the image and save it, but it said "no media found"...something like that. Well, I put the HD in the hot swap bay and it shows in the disk manager as Disc2 foreign, so I assumed I had to assign it a drive letter or something. I attempt to import and it says striped volume, etc etc. Warns that data will be lost, etc etc.

I'm at a standstill. Can you give me a little guidance possibly? Just need my FILES proLLEMS!

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Re: RAID 5 Striped Volume

Post by Alt » Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:41 am

You do not need to use R-Drive Image to image the disks. R-Studio can do that (R-Studio on-line help: Images). Moreover, R-Studio is more suited to image hard drives than R-Drive Image.

When disks have been imaged, you'll need to find the RAID 5 parameters.
You may do that
* Automatically: R-Studio Help: Finding RAID Parameters and Automatic RAID Parameter Detection
* Manually: Finding RAID parameters
* Using a third-party software: Choose ReclaiMe Free RAID Recovery.

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Re: RAID 5 Striped Volume

Post by RC000E » Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:58 am

I think my problem is, it doesn't appear that it will image the disk because of it presenting as a foreign disk. I guess I need to do some research and see about this, so I can actually use the Rstudio to get the parameters.

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Re: RAID 5 Striped Volume

Post by Alt » Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:07 am

You need to connect the RAID drives _directly_ to the computer where R-Studio is installed. Not through the external bay.

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Re: RAID 5 Striped Volume

Post by RC000E » Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:34 pm

I see, so connect all three direct, restart, then run Rstudio and select them directly...easiest path then...I gotcha. I'll do my :roll:

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Re: RAID 5 Striped Volume

Post by RC000E » Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:05 pm

So, I've made progress, but I am stuck.

I started scanning the drives, not finding anything. I tried following the writeups, changing parameters, etc. I created multiple virtual raids, dragging in the drives in different orders, because it seems the one drive has an issue.

Well, after multiple tries, I now can see all the files. I created a virtual Raid, ran the scan of the raid, etc and it now allows me to see, view and access all the files :shock: :mrgreen:

Problem I have now to I assume I must now take the parameters it's configured in the virtual raid, to make the actual raid configuration work on the drives but...I'm lost as to how to do that. I no longer see the screen that shows the Raid order, etc and the writeups don't appear to be telling me whatever it is I am missing. Can you help?


I have two virtual raids...idk why. Both are volume 1, both allow me to view files and see everything. One has a dropdown that shows the "recognized 2, recognized 0 and recognized 1", the other does not. If I open one to view files, it's the image above. So, the data is there, it works...I just need to GET IT OFF or make it work...something. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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Re: RAID 5 Striped Volume

Post by Alt » Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:21 pm

1. Preview several files to learn whether the parameters are correct. Right-click the files to do so.
2. Mark the files for recovery and save them to some other place.
This help page will explain you how: Data Recovery Using R-Studio.

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Re: RAID 5 Striped Volume

Post by RC000E » Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:21 pm

Did that. I think that will suffice now...thanks a lot. Got all my stuff moved over and done!

Gonna wipe two of the three and use them as double backups.

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